Upfront Use of Lu PSMA Therapy with Chemo has Shown Encouarging Results
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Upfront use of Lu psma therapy with chemo has shown encouarging results

Lutetium PSMA therapy or pluvicto therapy is right now approved for castrate resistant metastatic prostate cancer so that's kind of the end of the disease spectrum in patients of prostate cancer however there is now new data which is coming up and we have seen it in our practice as well where this lutetium PSMA therapy or pluvicto therapy can be used much early on in disease so even in patients of who as a first line therapy so there is a trial which is called the upfront PSMA therapy where even in patients who have hormone positive disease as a first line therapy along with a chemotherapy drug is the Pluvicto therapy or a lutetium PSMA therapy is being administered as a first line therapy and they are finding excellent results they are finding that these patients are surviving and doing much better than when these patients are being treated just with chemotherapy or just with hormonal therapy or even when they are being treated with a combination of hormonal therapy and chemotherapy so this is actually opening out a whole new area of research and giving a lot of hope to patients who present with metastatic disease right at the beginning of their prostate cancer journey.

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